Exploring the Beautiful Outdoors

Growing up in Alaska, the outdoors have been a huge part of my life. Activities like camping, hiking, and exploring are some of my favorite pastimes.

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While exploring in Alaska, my favorite friend to take with me is my golden retriever. Playing fetch and running down trails with him are some of the most enjoyable experiences I have. Another thing I love doing is watching wildlife. Some of my favorite animals are moose and owls.

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Something that is pretty common in Alaska is hunting for prehistoric fossils.

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Exploring old caves and mines is another exciting part of Alaska life that I have had the privilege to experience.

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One thing that I have just picked up recently is photography. My parents got me a camera for my birthday, and I have been nonstop taking photos of both wild animals like moose and my coolest LEGO creations.

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Although constantly exploring is fun, sometimes it is nice to just sit back and take in the nature around you.
#nature and animals
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An escape, a reset, in the A-Frame Cabin

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