A Treasure Hunting, I Go!

Ahoy there, me mateys! Captain Vacay sets sail to find buried booty! Will he meet with success?
My build depicts the scene of my vacationing minfigure posing as the famous pirate Captain Vacay hunting for the lost treasure of Aframe. My minifigure took his rowboat out on the lake near the cabin to fish for treasure. He decorated his rowboat up as a grand pirate ship and donned himself in pirate garb, then he embarked out into the wild blue yonder on an exciting adventure! He came upon a rocky outcrop and felt sure this was the X that marked the spot so he cast his hook out into the placid waters. Sure, enough his hook caught something heavy. He began reeling it in and upon breaking through the water's surface, he spyed the treasure chest! He could not wait to return to shore and open the chest - he dreamed of the doubloons and jewels he would find withwithin it. What a conquest- Captain Vacay would go down in history as the pirate who found the lost treasure of Aframe!
#treasure hunter
#treasure hunting
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
An escape, a reset, in the A-Frame Cabin

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