Concept: Pet Bot

Pets are common in many households, however, some people cannot have them for a variety of reasons. The pet bot embodies some of the qualities of a real pet, yet without all the work.

The pet bot is a programmable robot that can walk, make signals, and detect different colored objects. Each of its legs are independently driven by individual small motors, allowing it to adjust to its surrounding environment. The ultrasonic sensor in the front works as the robot’s “eyes” and helps it examine its surroundings. The light sensor on top can help it distinguish certain objects from each other, including different colored clothing, different colored LEGO parts, or certain walls and landmarks inside the house. It can also communicate using the 5x5 grid on the main hub piece. 

Made with only parts found in set 51515


- Ultrasonic “eyes” for detecting distance

- independent leg movement

- light sensor for detecting signals or color

- main hub for communicating using symbols and shapes.
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Winners announced
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor

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