A Holiday Crash-Site

This model is a demonstration of how the holiday put everyone together!
In this model, a first-order tie fighter crashed in the snow, and the Minifigures have decided to paint it for Xmas!
This model includes a lot of details:
  • R2 that is giving to C3PO an ice cream;
  • Mace Windu that is about to cut the crystal he is hanging on;
  • Luke and Vader that are sledding together;
  • Battle Droids and Clones that are making a SnowClone Wars, and you can see:
    • A droid that is trying to take his arm that fell off;
    • A clone that is falling because he was hitten by a snow ball;
  • A mini X-wing and a mini tie fighter, in a holiday theme color, that are fighting each other because the rebellion never ends for someone;
  • A giant Laser Saber shaped as a Candy Cane;
  • A Xmas tree with some presents under it
    • One present is a laser saber
    • The star is actually a mini-hologram
  • Yoda with a typical Xmas sweater on that is making a Jedi snowman
Everything is Xmas-themed and the model settles in a little forest.
I hope you like it!
#star wars
#tie fighter
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Celebrate The Holidays in a Galaxy Far Far Away

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