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Satallite REL1932: Operation Deliver Lego

 The year is 2850, sadly humanity is coming to an end, but not Lego. 4.2 light years away packages of Legos are floating down to the surface of an alien planet, where our Human-like friends are graciously accepting them.
 Project REL1932, which stands for Rediscover Lego 1932 (the year Lego was founded), is designed to send out drifting mini-satellites who's purpose are to potentially share our invention of Lego with other possibly inhabited planets. I was inspired to build this after thinking about how wonderful Lego's are, and everyone should have the chance to play with them. So even our Alien friends  can have the chance to create Lego on their planet.
 The satellite's right side panel can come detached (as seen in photo 3), so it can release the stored mini-satellites on their mission. The solar panels on the Satellite as well as on the mini-satellites can turn, so they constantly be fueled by sunlight.

This build consists of 246 pieces. I hope you like it!
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