Gardens of Legonia

The planet Legonia was discovered on one of the early missions of explorers of Earth in Outer space. The Gardens of Legonia still mark where the first base was set up, even though Legonia has since evolved immensely. Soon after the discovery, the explorers realized that Legonia is very hospitable, but they kept the Gardens operational as a reminder that life on Legonia was not so easy at the very beginning.

The first man on Legonia used the Gardens to grow vegetables such as space carrots and space potatoes, keep a flock of chimkins to get their very nutritious eggs, and most importantly, grow their own bush of space roses for exquisite space rose water. 

Pictured above are glimpses into the life of the current guardian, Penny, feeding the picky chimkins, which would not want to eat anything else but cookie crumbles; or else, controlling crates of crops and animals from the central control hub.

Fun fact: only a person who's name ends with -enny can become a guardian of the Gardens.
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