Martian Base

Hello everybody! Carlos here back for another M.O.C. A Martian base! It has 10 minifigures. Well, let's get started.                                                                                                                                                                            THE BASE                                                                                                                                                                                            On the front there are some large sliding doors that take you to the main control bridge. On the bridge there are levers, buttons and stuff like that to control entry and exit through the front door. Underneath is a kind of '' office. '' On the right is the cafeteria and the bed room. In the cafeteria I have put a lot of food and a big round table and in the bed room I have put a woman reading because it's like an Easter egg. On the other side there is a business room. I know it is very small but it is ok. On the back there's the workshop in which there is a spacecraft and a mechanic fixing it.

Well, that was it, I hope you liked it and until next time. goodbye
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