Nostradamus RETAS

Nostradamus RETAS

Robotic Explorer of Time And Space

Nostradamus is a lost android who scavenges the surface of Mars looking for Energy Crystals. He uses them to travel through Time and Space, learning about other planets and civilizations. Or, that's the plan at least. Nostradamus is stuck in his time, only able to calculate what has happened and what is going to happen.

Nostradamus is very versitile when it comes to concouring the tough surface of Mars. Ofcourse he is able to drive on his tracks through to warm, red sand. He can use Energy Crystals with his nuclear defirbulizer on front. They keep his eyes lit. One day he'll accidentally get stuck between some rocks. But not to worry, he is built sturdy and can move a lot. Nostradamus' arms, tracks, neck, and eyes are free to move. His tracks also work as feet as well, and his arms are even gear powered like some robots from all the way back in 2001; I'm sure he'll meet them some day.
#space exploration
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