Space Racers
In the distant future, Cyborgs race among the stars to compete for our favor.
In their agile craft, cyborg brothers battle it out around the solar system to prove once and for all who is the best!
Our hero, Bolt Chipenhead, pilots the White Knight racer against his evil brother Cyborgeous in the Dark Phantom in a race through space, the first one back will win the title of Best Pilot in the System!
This set comes with the launch site, two changing rooms, two star-racers, and two minifig pilots (Our hero and villain)
The set is comprised of 250 bricks, detailed below:
White knight: 87 Bricks including Bolt Chipenhead
Dark Phantom: 87 Bricks including Cyborgeous
Bolt Chipenhead's changing room: 24 bricks
Cyborgeous' changing room: 24 bricks
Race Launch Base: 28 Bricks
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