For the Win

The ultimate display for any Manchester United fan is here! This fantastic model shows the true fan's dedication to the sport and to their team.
  • Features a functional mechanism for adjusting the stand in two dimensions, both side to side and back and forth at once!
  • A fully poseable and removeable Manchester United player on top! (There is no player 41 to my knowledge)
  • Display plaque for the Manchester United Logo.
  • Brick-built football (or soccer ball) is the base for the display.
  • The perfect display companion for the Old Trafford Stadium set!
This has probably been one of my most "educational" builds in the way of learning new techniques. From the use of tires on the sleeves and legs, to the sphere technique for the base, to the clips used for the grass, not to mention the many iterations of the body and learning to animate. I thoroughly enjoyed creating this, even with the many design obstacles thrown in my path.

I hope you enjoy it!
#manchester united
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Build United!

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