The Modern Art/ Chair Mission

Height: start mission 8 cm

Width: start Mission: 15 cm

Depth: 9 cm
Height, width and depth can Vary during the game to about 15-20 cm

Stage 1: Two chairs are stuck onto the yellow plate. The other two chairs must be put on that plate or on top of the other two chairs. This in any position the contestants want. The chairs can touch the yellow plate or hang over the plate, but it is not allowed they touch the playground.

Stage 2: the contestants design their own "Third" Chair with pre-selected legobricks.
The measurement of the chair may not be higher then 10 cm, deeper than 6 cm and wider dan 8 cm.
They only get points for this chair when they also use it in the mission!

The chairs which fall during the full game on to the playground, don't win any points. The contestants need to search for the most sustainable position.

10 points per Chair ( Chair 1 and 2)
20 points (for their own made Chair)
5 points when the 3 chairs are correctly all uses

Image attached to challenge
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