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Poe vs. Dreadnought (like David against Goliath?)

You can think about Star Wars 8 whatever you want (I loved it)… but put an X-Wing to the battle and I’m more than satisfied, let it drift (I repeat: DRIFT!!!) and I totally freak out. That’s why the opening scene from episode 8 was funny, exceptional and breathtaking at the same time.

I love X-Wings, and the special one from Poe was crucial to this scene, that’s why I focused only on that (with all my passion and love for Lego, Star Wars and details).

I hope you enjoy my build. When you take of the extra boost at the back you can clap the wings similar to the original UCS model, but (thanks to the designer for great inspiration). And you can pull out the landing gear which disappear completely when they are retracted and you look from the side.

Thanks for watching and reading and please apologize for my unprofessional photo editing skills

Hope you like it anyway, David

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