Ford Mustang 2018 GT in turnable scenery (all 5 pics)

So you couldn't decide on one scenery to pick? Yeah, me neither. So I decided to make a turntable which will make it look like the Mustang is driving through the seasons. 

At summer we have the warm sun, flowers, trees and a horse running.
At fall the flowers start to wither, the clouds are getting darker and the ground becomes muddier. 
At winter it starts to snow and you can see snowmen starting to appear and also the beautiful snowsilky mountains.
At spring the snow melts from the sun, and a visit from the rabbits in the grass.

The car is a little specially built with a 7 studs wide front, 6 studs wide middle and 6/7 studs wide rear. 

It's kind of hard to get what's going on from the pictures alone so please feel free to check out this video which will make the whole thing easier to understand. 

If you wonder how it's build feel free check out this description!

good luck to you all!
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Celebrate your favorite Ford Mustang in a beautiful scenery!

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