2016 Mustang with Working Transmission

Here I've built my favorite Mustang, from the 2016 generation. I would drive this to the mountains of Colorado, where I took this background picture. I began this Mustang as a small project several years ago, and when I saw this contest I rushed to finish it! 

I strove to keep details while including amazing functions. Both doors open, the hood and trunk lift, the two front seats lean back, the back row seats fold down, the front wheels turn with the steering wheel, and, best of all, there is a working transmission. Just push the gearshift forwards from neutral, and it engages the two old-style pistons in the front, which rotate when the car rolls. 

Thanks for checking this out!
#mustang contest
#2016 mustang
#mustang car
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Celebrate your favorite Ford Mustang in a beautiful scenery!

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