Vehicle: Meteor Mining Rocket

The future of space is METEOR MINING ROCKETS! The 49ers will once again strike it rich, but this time in space, and this time it's the year 2149. Join our intrepid Lego-exo-geo-explorers as they corral a meteor, turn it into a self-propelling rocket, and search for mineral riches within. Play features include 2 meteor-miners, each with mining tools and personal rocket-packs, gold, platinum and gems "buried" within the meteor itself, and the ability to slide the Meteor Rocket off its stand and zoom it around your own personal space adventures. With the METEOR MINING ROCKET set you can enjoy the adventure of discovering untold deep-space riches, from the comfort of your own home.

Number of Bricks


#space exploration
#space ship
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Exploring The Cosmos

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