BRICK: Spider-Man: Lost Worlds
"Peter Parker has always been a light in the dark. Whether fighting Electro, defeating Carnage, or helping people change a flat tire, Spider-Man is always ready to help. But as his city is plunged into darkness, their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man cannot be found.
All is not lost, however, when other Spiders start appearing (much to The Daily Bugle's annoyance!). Nonetheless, even their combined light cannot compare to the aura of the original Peter Parker.
Before the collapse of this universe, the newly built team of heroes must find a clue from the mysterious Scarlet Spider…"
—Story for this comic
Some of the many Spiders who appear in this cover are:
- Miles Morales (Ultimate Spider-Man/Kid Arachnid)
- Gwen Stacey (Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen)
- Anya Corazon (Araña/Spider-Girl)
- Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Iron Spider)
Built digitally (on Mecabricks), and most to all can be done with simple editing.
Helicarrier by CCruz123.
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