Dungeon Master's Companion

Presenting the Dungeon Master's Companion for Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons.

With just 1,590 Pieces, this set includes two dice towers and a Magic Shop.

Each dice tower is windowed to allow you to see your dice roll down the tower. On the back of each tower is photo holder bricks and bars for clips to allow you to keep track of game Initiative. At the bottom of each tower is also a small storage cubby for your dice or other accessories.

The Magic Shop provides not only an interactive space for roleplay, but it's chock full of potions and adventuring gear that you can use as tokens to represent your actual inventory. Want 5 Potions of Greater Healing? Take them out of the shop and hand them to the player to keep track of!

Dice towers, dice trays, and magic shop, can all be separated and rearranged.

Included is two minifigures. A charismatic bard, and an edgy rogue. Tragic Backstory not included.

Please be aware of the special D&D Content Terms communicated in the challenge brief. You must agree to these Terms as well as the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate.

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#dungeons and dragons
#dungeons dragons
#magic shop
#dice tower
#dice tray
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50 years of Dungeons & Dragons!

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