Magic Missile

The Magic Missile is the first attack spell any D&D player will cast with their wizard.
This set is similar to the miniatures with which D&D is played, the player rolls a three with his die.

The tile shows the characteristics of the spell:

Magic Missile
1 evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you
can see within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike
simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates
 one more dart for each slot above 1st.

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