The Love of Cats

Cats get plenty of love from us, but how often do we think about the love they have for each other? There are so many strong bonds between cats, strong friendships that stay with them for their whole lives, so I wanted to commemorate the love many cats have for each other!

My build shows two cats sitting on a bench at night, their tails intertwined. The bench is in a small bamboo forest, and I added some mushrooms/fungi in to really bring the build together (to the far left I added some shelf fungi).

I thought it would be cool to utilize the string with studs elements to have stars hang from them. While I could have made the string elements dark blue to blend in with the background, I wanted them to stand out to give the build a storybook feel.

Also, the green parts on the bench are supposed to be moss! The bench has been abandoned and nature has grown around it, but the cats still appreciate this place - perhaps even more so now that humans don't frequent it!

How many LEGO elements have you used in your design?


#valentines day
Image attached to challenge
Next phase starting soon
Build From the Heart

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