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Portrait of a Legend/1980-Something Race Guy

“Wealthy men can’t live on an island encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance.”
Of course, it is an undisputed fact that Aytron Senna was a champion Formula 1 racing car driver. However, that wasn’t all that made him a champion- Ayrton’s caring, compassionate, altruistic nature is what set him apart from the other drivers. Ayrton was, and always will be, my hero and role model.
My portrait of Ayrton was created using the same techniques as the LEGO Art sets. Ayrton is holding a model of the McLaren MP4/4, which I built in the style of late 1980’s LEGO sets to reference the era in which Ayrton was racing in the McLaren MP4/4.
#ayrton senna
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