Ducati Zero VS Maglev

Where would i take my Ducati? Well, a canyon sounds fun, or even a ravine, but none of them seem really...exhilarating.
A Ducati deserves more respect than a simple cruise.

Oh! how about a race? In a city? Against a Maglev train at 600 km/h? Sounds fair.

Should be no problem for the fantastic electric Ducati Zero.

This spectacular 698 brick Ducati is a near-perfect representation of the soon-to-be greatest electric vehicle ever, as nothing else that small could stand a chance against a Maglev train.
No other activity or location could better embody the racing spirit of Ducati.

Who do you think will win?

I made this second entry to fix the few little mistakes in the first, I hope you like it!
I took special car in making sure that all the parts used were official LEGO elements.
#street race
#maglev train
#ducati zero
#micro city
Image attached to challenge
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