The Graveyard on the Mountain

The graveyard on the mountain is one of the spookiest places on planet earth.
A powerful witch who perished in the 14th century is buried in this graveyard and according to the legend she will wake up on Halloween night when she will receive a true love kiss. When will it happen? No one knows.

I wanted my graveyard to be unique and special, this is why I decided to build my graveyard on top of a mountin.
I loved the idea of using only classic LEGO bricks because I think it can realy show your creativity.
I tried the best I can to make my graveyard spooky and scary in order to match the Halloween theme of the challenge.

I realy like my final result and I hope you too.
#halloween holiday lego
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Brick or Treat! Fortnite VS Halloween: The LEGO Challenge!

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