Sugarloaf Mountain Cable Car (Moonraker)

Sugarloaf Mountain Cable Car (Moonraker)

James Bond is investigating the disappearance of a Drax Industries Moonraker space shuttle, and the investigation has led Bond and his friend Holly to Sugarloaf Mountain high above Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  

Suddenly, Bond and Holly’s cable car screeches to a halt mid-journey... the cable car rocks dangerously back and forth several hundred feet above the jungle below. Jaws the metal-mouthed henchman (Who else could stop a cable car with their bare hands or bite through 8” of steel cable?) rides up the mountain on top of a second cable car to capture Bond and Holly.

Will Bond and Holly be able to escape Jaws and zip down the mountain to safety?

Moonraker debuted in 1979 and was the eleventh film in the Bond series (the fourth starring Roger Moore). I built the cable car and tower to minifigure scale (I built Sugarloaf Mountain to mini-scale to represent distance and height), however the contest prohibits the inclusion of minifigures.

#james bond
#cable car
#sugarloaf mountain
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