Nature: Mutant mole poping up from the metro!

Darling?... We have moles again... but in the metro this time!!
It digs eagerly to find... a LEGO Idea!
Year 2150: Drifts of human industry and chemical activities provoked the mutation of moles, taking advantage of the galeries created by humans for underground urban transports!
The scene takes place in Paris, as you can deduct from the details of the metro station.
The mole itself is huge comparing to the little dog astonished by the unexpected outlet of it. But moles are not only giant, but also intelligent as they look able to use miner's helmets.
The model is composed of 915 bricks.
I hope you will enjoy it. Thank you!
#giant mole
#mutant mole
#metro station
#urban transport
#station de mtro
Image attached to challenge
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