
Minifigure: Late Night Campsite Fright!!

The family decided to go camping. All unpacked and set up, the kids are roasting marshmallows. An owl hoots in the trees. The dog is relaxing in the tent. Dad is telling ghost stories. Mom went inside to grab more marshmallows. The boys must have really been into dad's story, because on mom's way out, she gave all the boys quite a scare. Dad's flashlight as well as one of the boys marshmallow sticks, go flying in the air. As Mom can't help but laugh you can see the fright on all the boys faces, as we capture a snap shot just as it happens.

This moc is inspired by my love for camping.
Mom and Dad have a camper to sleep in while the kids get there own tent. The tent is equiped with sleeping bags, a lantern, and a bag of late night snacks. Inside the camper we have a bed, sink, cabinets, a small stove, a microwave, and a small table with seating. 
Both the Jeep and Camper are also a moc of mine I intend on submitting to creator ideas after this contest. 

Base is 32x64
2858 total pieces
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