Minifigure: Marbled Museum Mayhem

It's a robbery! Brick Daddy ties up the guard and politely pays him for his trouble. The galaxy's finest collection of rare marbled bricks has been attracting villains across the universe for some time now. By the looks of it, Space Police guard Bob isn't too happy about the forced business deal...

Yep, that marbled 2x6 plate is a genuine LEGO element. In fact, it's among some of the rarest LEGO bricks worldwide. These type of bricks were never sold in sets. If I understand correctly, these type of bricks were made in limited quantities around 1949ish...

So in reality, these space crooks are indeed snatching up something super valuable  :D

I hope you enjoyed this scene, learned a bit of history, and had a good chuckle.
#lego house
#space police
#brick daddy
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