Minifigure Astronaut trips! (Caught on video)

During a routine visit to our little neighbor, the Moon, two playful aliens have set up a trip wire to have some fun with the Astronauts from Earth!

Lunar Expedition Log #32
After a successful arrival to the surface of the Moon, we headed towards the Base Camp. As always we were documenting the journey - for research purposes of course! Cmd. Ernie failed to spot the trip wire set up by the friendly and extremely playful green Moonlings! Thankfully this embarrassing moment was caught on video by Cpt. Walker - not admitting that he'll show the funny clip to the entire Base Camp!

Brick Count: 662 on a 32x16 base plate.

I hope you all find this model interesting! If you have any suggestion or contructive critisism feel free to let me know :-)

Best regards
Ken J.
#space exploration
#space ship
#moon exploration
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