V.31 Venom

The story
With the release of the first speeder in 2038 started a race to make the fastest speeder ever. Five years later the race ended with a clear winner, the V.31 Venom. Instead of focusing on luxury and comfort the V.31 Venom was purely made for top speed. To get the highest speed possible the creators reduced the size of the antigravity unit and focused purely on the propulsion, a jet engine. With a jet engine in the front and two stabilizer pods on the side, the V.31 Venom has a top speed of 400 kilometers an hour witch is insane for a vehicle this size.

The build
the V.31 Venom has a jet engine in the front with the exhaust leading to the stabilizer pods. You can find the antigravity unit under the seat. The build is about 28 studs long, 18 studs wide and 4.5 studs high. It is made with 187 bricks.

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