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21XX Harley-Davidson Hovercycle (Limited Vintage Edition)

In the year 21XX, the Harley-Davidson company has begun production for a limited time of their new Hovercycle, but designed to look like the old 1950s bikes.  This is a model of the Hovercycle in all it's scaled-down glory.  Standard with all Hovercycles is the space behind the seat to put luggage, and the non-nuclear Hover Core in the front and back.  This Vintage Edition, however, has added tires around the Hover Cores, rather than use regular wheels of the past century, to help with the vintage feel, but still keep performance quality.  The engine and exhaust are fake, put there for the vintage aesthetic.  Sales should be pretty high, because people like vintage stuff.  Of course, there are lots of other brands to choose from, but "Until you've been on a Harley-Davidson, you haven't been on a Hovercycle."
#harley davidson
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