The Harley Davidson Sky Swoop Soft Tail

The Harley Sky Swoop Soft Tail is a rocket turbine powered hover cycle and is the newest Harley Hoverbike which can reach speeds of 778kmp at max speed while carrying 2 passengers comfortable at max with some personal space for tools and food. released in 2078 as the most advanced and fastest Harley Davidson.

It has 2 front lights and back lights. At the front it has 2 terrain sensors. it can hover up to 100 meters on any surface including water. With very strong brakes that have 3 diffrent speeds and slow down by itself when the terrain sensors detect any obstacle and analyze the safest route. a special suit is mandatory when reaching speeds above 550kmph to prevent the riders from falling off or getting blown off by strong winds and gusts when cruising in air.

No client was ever disapointed  when bying the sky swoop and its not hard to see why from the built in seat warmer to monumental speeds its all about the quality of the ride.
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