
This is the Harley Davidson BlackBolt360. It's the dream of the 21st century. Why? It has headlights that emit infrared light, which is then picked up by the rider's helmet; i.e., this bike has night vision. If night vision doesn't make this bike awesome, I don't know what will. Take it for a smooth spin on stealth mode at midnight – it has excellent camouflage as well. The black paint job will go with anything, and blends the bike easily into the shadows if you prefer not to be seen. The maximum speed reached was approximately 250 mph, but then the cyclist ran into a street lamp, and his bike was ruined (but don't worry, the cyclist was fine). The highest speed the bike can safely reach without losing stability (ahem) is roughly 175 – 200 mph. But don't go that fast...please obey the speed limit. I don't want to get in trouble for designing a bike that brakes the law.

#harley davidson
#contest entry
#high tech
#night vision
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