Exploring Saturn

Space exploration has always interested me. Having built a model of Earth before, for this contest I decided to try something a bit more challenging -- a planet with rings -- Saturn!

This Saturn is a brick-built LEGO ball, with the ring system suspended around it (via clear connections). I chose a combination of white and light gray pieces to try to mimic the colors and cloud patterns of Saturn. The ring is just two plates thick, plus a few clear 'boat stud' pieces underneath for reinforcement.

To add more interest, I made a tiny space probe that is exploring Saturn. It is just a simple 1x1 brick with studs on all 4 sides, with assorted elements (mostly tools) connected to each side. A large 3x3 dish completes the look.

I forgot to count pieces -- the planet is about 64 pieces (including core). The ring with supports is about 75 pieces. The probe is less than a dozen pieces.

Thank you for considering my idea, and I appreciate your support. Remember to share with your friends!

#space probe
#solar system
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
LEGO Moments in Space

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