Blind Date In Space

Love is infinite as is space. In the vast emptiness of space it is hard to find someone to be close to. But there is always milkyways to find love among the stars. Be careful though, you'll never know who you'll meet when having a blind date in space.

As last contest, this one strikes me as funny and original and i had lots of fun building this model. It took about a days' work. I also would have loved to build a starship but when i heard the contests' title, i tried to imagine the funniest moments that could happen in space. Imagine how hard it was for the green reptilian when he saw his blind date was a mere human from planet earth.

The model is a corner vignette measuring 12x12 studs and features a galaxy squad collectible minifigure having a blind date with a green brick built alien. There is a chandelier in the corner for romantic atmosphere and through the windows you can see the stars and maybe beyond.

Hope you guys like it. Brick on everybody and lots of luck!

#moments in space
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LEGO Moments in Space

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