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Octan galactic Ltd. fuel station

Imagine another long hard day at work, you get in your ship, enter hyperspace enjoying a moment for yourself, thinking about finally seeing your family again but what is this? You forgot to refill your fuel tank?! You will probably run out of fuel in no time having to call space emergency response who will charge you a hefty fee and you will have to travel in those smelly tow trucks of theirs right? A situation no one wants to find himself in. But have no fear because Octan is here! As the CEO of the newly established subsidiary of Octan Incorporated, I am delighted to present to you our brand new branch of Octan Galactic fuel stations! Nevermore will you have to worry about your fuel tank running empty with our dense network of fuel stations all across the galaxy! Yes, we did it again, we crushed all of your competitors creating a monopoly on fuel stations. Go Octan!

So this is supposed to be a space petrol station :) comes with 2 micro space ships.
Total piece count: 336 bricks.

#petrol station
#fuel station
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