Trip to Space

Are you bored?  Take a trip to space!  It has plenty of "space".  You can see our moon, a corner of the sun, and our very own Earth.  This is the year 2283 when everyone can own their own rocket ship.  Take our newest rocket ship.  It's perfect for your traveling needs.  Take it on auto pilot to stay on course with the orbit of the Earth or go explore your own star.

You can have the Earth spin around and have the rocket stay in orbit on auto pilot.  This box is a section of space with stars, our moon, and the sun.  It has 283 pieces including: 0 minifigs, no new parts, 16x16 baseplate, Earth, moon, 25 stars (the sun and 24 see through flower pieces), and empty space.

Like this one?  If so, see my other projet "Classic Space Globe".

#rocket ship
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LEGO Moments in Space

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