Minifigure: The Day When Everything Went Wrong

There are days like this when nothing works. That's the case today at 72A Brick Lane:

There's the careless construction worker drilling into a water pipe. The startled waitress drops her tray and the guest gets it all.
Next to it, a distracted walker slams into a lamppost.
The mailman didn't see that someone was about to open the door.
The careless (but leashed) gardener has been sawing at the wrong branch.
A scatterbrained painter knocks over the paint bucket and drops the paint roller.
The inexperienced balcony griller started a fire that was a little too big.
The chimney sweep has to watch his apprentice being too overzealous.
Absentmindedly, the cook lets the dish burn.
The sloppy househusband's eggs fall to the floor and he pushes the door open too hard.
The thoughtless do-it-yourselfer, trying to hang a picture, smashes the TV.
The forgetful toilet user hasn't checked to see if there's any toilet paper left.

Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
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