ARCHITECTURE: Recreation Center Summer Camp

Hello. This is a recreation center in which you can go during the hot summer and it offers a lot of activities that can keep you occupied and bring you joy. There is a playground at the back and as you can see our minifigures are playing "basketbrick" which is similar to basketball but you use different LEGO bricks and try to score a basket by throwing them instead of a regular ball. Also in this recreation center you can play with a well-trained dog. Outside the center there is a space which is designed for gardening and you can take care after the plants and the tree in it. Inside the building there is one room in which you can sit and relax by drinking cold juice and watching television. There is a huge fan on the ceiling. Next to this room is the bathroom where you can take a shower after you have finished with you activities. Welcome to Recreation Center Summer Camp.
The base is 30x30 studs.
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