Creative IDEAS logo

IDEAS is a place for people with creative imaginations to share their ideas with each other. I'm not only celebrating IDEAS, but also the minds that made them. My logo reflects on a variety of things you can build with LEGO.

The letter 'I' is a floating paradise with a little house to show the beauty of IDEAS. The 'D' is a race course with a small car to represent the road IDEAS has led us. The 'E' is a bowling alley to show that IDEAS is enjoyable and fun. The 'A' is a rocket to reflect what you can accomplish with IDEAS. The final letter 'S' is to show that when a light shines through a differen't crystal it has a differen't colour. When a light shines through us, it's still the same except it has a differen't colour because we all have our own unique personalities and imaginations.

To me IDEAS stands for, Incredilbe Designs Encouraged Around Society. It doesn't matter where your from, all ideas are welcomed, because we're all part of the same society. That's what IDEAS is.

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