The Jazz Quartet

I mean no offense to the jazz quartet set, but the faces and bodies aren't detailed enough. I'm talking no printing, no stickers, no nothing. So, I gave them a bit more life and scaled what was originally ten LEGO pieces, into a much more lively group. All of this (besides the baseplates) was created with 1x1 plates. This is the first time I've ever built people with the 1x1 artwork style so let me know how I did. I had a lot of fun creating this and messing around with the colors all while listening to jazz music (not specifying in fear of copyright). I also gave each of them a little story inside my head while I was making this. In the front you see the trumpet player and the cello player hair slicked up with gel. In the back the drummer and pianist thinking of new rhythms. And in the very back on stage is all their instruments.
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Winners announced
Live in concert: The Jazz Quartet

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