Encounter With the Dragon

NOTE: I've had to give my artwork a border, it wouldn't submit otherwise. I think my artstyle must be too grainy or contrasted.

The bard watched as their fellow adventurers rushed with such courage to face the dragon. As if carried on the heat of the flames, a spur of inspiration struck! With excitement, they began to strum an emboldening tune upon their lute. Songs would be sung of this day for years to come.

Though I saw the challenge fairly last minute, I've had great fun with Dungeons & Dragons and couldn't resist this opportunity! I really enjoyed painting this piece, which echoes some of the fun I've had in similarly gripping encounters.

Painted in Procreate on iPad.

Please be aware of the special D&D Content Terms communicated in the challenge brief. You must agree to these Terms as well as the LEGO Ideas Terms of Service in order to participate.

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