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Build: VISION - The Computer Vision Toolkit

Meet VISION, the robotic arm that can actually see!

The four new motors with absolute positioning allow this robot to move its claw in any direction with exceptional accuracy and grab anything in reach. It comes with a launcher attachment for target practice, too!

The new Python-enabled hub allows us to use video processing libraries giving this robot the full range of computer vision abilities - including colour tracking and motion detection - allowing it to see what it grabs or shoots at!

In the spirit of the Robot Inventor set, the robot comes with two missions (and a bonus, see video!) and accessories to allow testing and play (see 3rd image).

In the first mission, we test the accuracy of the build with a remote controller. Next we establish computer vision with the ultrasonic and colour sensors. Finally, we bring it to perfection by connecting a PC with a webcam, which allows the robot to see everything and track the red ball in all three dimensions!

Image attached to challenge
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LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor

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