A Snowy Surprise on Tatooine! 🎅

Peace has descended upon the Galaxy after it snowed on Tatooine for the first time in a thousand years, prompting a spontaneous Christmas party!

A fabulously festive scene is now unfolding on the snowy dunes… While Lando & Chewie dig the Millennium Falcon out of the snow, Darth Vader has finally decided to stop being so grumpy and spend some quality time with his children for a change, while Santa-Wan Kenobi delivers the presents using Luke’s freshly re-decorated landspeeder.

Always one to get a party started, DJ Solo spins the wheels of steel to help the Rebels and Imperials forget their differences and go wild on the dancefloor, but the Ewoks aren’t used to the cold so they've built a fire and found the perfect excuse to toast some marshmallows!

Among the moisture vaporators and fir trees the Christmas spirit has melted the hardest of hearts, and to everyone’s disbelief even the Sandpeople and the Jawas are being nice to each other!

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Celebrate The Holidays in a Galaxy Far Far Away

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