Robotic Explorers

🪐 When a new planet is discovered and is ready for colonization you can count on the Robotic Explorers! The three member squad is made up of a chemist, biologist, and geologist - together they can terraform any planet!

Meet the squad:

🧪 D.O.C (Dilithium Oxidation Chemist): Some say it has the brain of a crazy scientist, this little genius rover can cook up any chemical reaction. Catch it go pink at the cheeks when things go KABOOM!

🌿 B.O.C (Biological Organism Carrier): This shy gentle giant loves plants and animals. Within his two zero gravity terrariums it carries the essential fauna and flora to make any planet thrive with life. 

🌋 M.O.C (Mining Operations Chief): An expert at all things stone and mineral this little friendly tank loves to go prospecting. It also rocks the most impressive set of eyebrows this side of Alpha Centauri!

🚀 ...Incoming transmission... Planet LL928 ready for colonization... Robotic Explorers assemble! ...end transmission...

📈 Total bricks: 249
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