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MMK-131: Experimental Hyperjump Spaceship (With Light Effect)

The brave astronaut has to test the new hyperjump spaceship that can take you anywhere in a big flash of light. Will he end up in the right place? Who knows what adventure awaits our hero! He may even have to set off the explosive disk to seperate the cockpit as a lifeboat if one of the two reactors goes critical...

- By giving a quick turn at the exhaust the reactor assembly spins quickly and causes beautiful "ring of fire" effect.
- Environmentally friendly: The lights are operated automatically through centrifugal force pulling the 'tanks'.
- Several interesting construction techniques are used to create a strong yet sleek looking spaceship that does not fall apart even though there is a very big hole in the center of the spaceship.  
- This is a lot of fun to play with.

- Thanks to my daughter for lending me her Lego dots pieces and helping test the playability.
- I'd recommend to replace some 1980's Lego technic pieces with their modern day equivalents.
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