Space Invasion

An out-of-this-world adventure when Evil Aliens from Out of Space arrive to try to take over our world! Lucky for us, the space police force is there to defend us from the alien flying saucers!
The aliens have also created a space base to control and watch the invasion.

The space police noticed the invading fleet when they were having lunch at Macdonald's. They were not happy about this!

Featuring a police space cruiser, a cargo shuttle, two alien flying saucers, a launch strip, and an alien command post.

Lego Brick Count: 250 bricks
Police Space Cruiser: 73 bricks with opening cockpit and five space thrusters to make the ship fast and agile enough to fly rings around the aliens!

Cargo Shuttle: 47 bricks with opening cockpit, the cargo shuttle is also used as an escape pod in emergencies

2x Alien Flying Saucers: Each ship is made from 24 bricks, featuring an opening cockpit with four stabilizers to fly in the atmosphere

Command post: 45 bricks plus two lego Minifigures

Launch ramp: 27 bricks 
#space ship
#cargo ship
#escape shuttle
Image attached to challenge
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Out of this World Space Builds!

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