Staring at the Stars

I think that observing stars and celestial bodies with the naked eye or through a telescope is the easiest and, at the same time, most wonderful way to fantasize about the cosmos.

I decided to build a cooler and bigger version of my childhood's telescope, using also some technic elements, pointing at a customizable night sky, in which you can build your favourite constellation (or draw a new one with your creativity). In my case I drew the "Ursa Major", since I can always see it outside my bedroom window and was the first constellation I learned to recognize.
In the starry sky you will also find a rocket, an UFO and a minimalistic Saturn.

The build is made of 244 bricks, including 26 stars and a child minifigure.

In the following images you can also see the technique I used to rotate of 45° and keep lifted the telescope with a view of its inside.
Image attached to challenge
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