Space Speeder

Get ready for adventure in this sleek space speeder. It combines aesthetic curves and practical function for an all-around amazing vehicle.  Before going on your mission, lift the hood and make sure the engine is in working order.  Also, remember to load up your precious jewels in the cargo bin in the rear of the ship.  Then, lift the canopy and open the doors to enter the cockpit from either side of the ship.  There is room for both you and your copilot in the cockpit.  After you're seated, close the doors and the canopy then blast off.  Let the flames from the four engines carry you off into the great unknown.  Be ready with your lasers (stud shooters) if danger attacks.  Now, you're off!  Your adventure is as big as your imagination.

This set has 223 pieces, is 4.3" wide, 5.5" long, 2.4" high, and weighs 4.76 ounces.  Also, there are no visible studs on the ship.  There are some advanced techniques in the building process.  This would be a great "gift with purchase" set for all space fans.
#space ship
#contest entry
#minifig scale
#outer space
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Out of this World Space Builds!

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