
For thousands of years, humans have looked up at the night sky and seen images of people, gods, animals and objects in the patterns of the stars. 

In the 1920s the International Astronomical Union (IAU) selected 88 of these constellations that together covered the entire sky. Now any object could be located by the constellation it was in. 

Using 246 pieces, I’ve created 12 of these constellations. I chose ones that can be represented by a single LEGO element. (avoiding any large animal moulds)

Cancer - Crab

Canis Minor - Lesser Hunting Dog

Chamaeleon - Chameleon

Coma Berenices - Berenice’s Hair

Crater - Cup

Corona Borealis - Northern Crown

Delphinus - Dolphin

Lepus - Hare

Piscis Austrinus - Southern Fish

Sagitta - Arrow

Scutum - Shield

Sextans - Sextant


Each constellation has a stand and glows in the dark. They can be displayed or used to play a simple game for 3 or more players. One player turns over a constellation and the others race to grab the corresponding piece. 

Which piece would you grab? 

#night sky
Image attached to challenge
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