And So, the Magic Begins...

The golden trio arrive at Hogsmeade station and peek through the carriage window to capture their first image of Hogwarts. They see a thestral-drawn carriage approaching the Hogwarts gates guided by the lovable Hagrid. In the distance are the majestic towers and turrets of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
They take in the detail of the busy Hogsmeade station, complete with a ticket office, a waiting room full of artefacts, and the trolley witch in her storeroom. They spot many favourite characters such as Neville with a beloved plant, Fred and George with a new concoction of sweets, and Flitwick trying to charm an unruly Monster Book of Monsters.
Harry, Ron and Hermione gather their things and get ready to disembark the beautiful Hogwarts express (built complete with a light brick in the front to guide them through the the dark evening).
And so, the magic begins ...
#hogwarts express
#harry potter
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