“Professor Flitwick, You’ve Known Me for Five Years!”

While only a small scene in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry and Luna’s walking to school from the train gives us a special glimpse of the gates, with these magnificent winged boars watching over those who enter. It’s also another moment showcasing Luna’s quirky nature. For this build I want to show not only the magic of the Harry Potter world, but also the magic of film making and how they take the written word and make these amazing visual feasts. This is my first time using Stud.io, and it’s been a really good experience.

Image 1 and 2 show the scene as depicted in the film, with CGI background. Images 3,4 and 5 show the wider context of the film production, such as green screen and preparation for other scenes. 

In addition it gives me the opportunity to have a bit of fun, adding in moments like two foes idly chatting, and character doubles getting their photo taken. I’ve also added in some other Easter egg elements from the Half Blood Prince. What ones can you spot?  

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